Friday, November 11, 2011

It's that time of year again.

It's that time of year again. As soon as the weather cools off, I get this feeling like I need to play games. I start writing new D&D campaigns, pre-order the upcoming games for {insert platform here}, and start re-considering games that I've long put in the closet with intentions to remember fondly but never pull out again.

side note: there is nothing like the smell of a new pack of Magic: the Gathering cards... Somewhere between the feeling you get walking out of a too-hot shower into a cool crisp room and the feeling you get when you realize that you never changed your alarm and don't have to work for 3 more hours.

So today I decided that it was time to stop dicking around, and make a decision. Problem was, with so many options I had it narrowed to 2 things, pre-order one of the many new 360 games coming out or go to the comic store and look for a new board game. Well, I was able to use Halloween to justify finally picking up ZOMBIES! an tell my wife that it was a good "party" game.

Now that I'm off the hook for the decisions, I just have to........ make a decision.......damn it. It was down to Skyrim, Modern Warfare 3, or Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. While you might be saying "Velky! It's obvious!"... keep in mind that I have a budget, full-time job, and I'm back in school. So lets start with the first one.

    Skyrim is the followup to Oblivion and the 5th installment of the Elder Scrolls series. I'm old enough to be a true veteran and have played them all faithfully And while the anticipation for this game has seriously made me consider investing in a DIY catheter to take care of the mess. But, if theres anything stopping me, it's that my previous Elder Scrolls experiences have taught me one thing.... I have no off switch when playing these games. I woul duse my own child to put out a grease fire before willingly turning this game off. So +1 for  awesome and -1 for obsession.

     Whenever I think of games, the RPG genre is almost always what pops into my head. But I have to admit, that a vast majority of my time has been spent playing Halo and CoD. ( yeah, look at my hip acronyms). Not because I like shooters, hell i'm not even good at them. But they give me the perfect social interaction with friends and other gamers in the perfect fashion. Meaning, I can talk to them in 5-10 second conversations in between achieving objectives and then turn off the box without a second thought. Plus, I know they're going to be an awesome fucking games. Choice is between MW3 vs. Halo:CE .... that equates to friends vs nostalgia.

Well.... I think I know where my heart lies. THE CHOICE IS MADE. I'll see you guys again after Ive severely overindulged.